For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.
Isaiah 64:4
About a few weeks ago I was cornered by a member of our bishopric and asked to give a talk today on Easter Sunday. The task seemed daunting; I love speaking in church but finding a way to honor our Savior on the day in which he was resurrected. I was sitting in church last Sunday in Newport Beach and decided that the perfect way to celebrate Easter is to renew our dedication to be a disciple of Christ. Therefore, I will be talking about the blessings that come from following our Lord. I have learned a lot through reading the scriptures this week. There are many blessings that we receive such that we cannot fully comprehend them all and it will be impossible for me to properly discuss them all in the 10 minutes that I have been assigned. Here is a short list; you are more than welcome to add more as the following list is not even near completion.
Financial Stability
Physical Health
Spiritual and Temporal Knowledge
Trials (this is a tough one to acknowledge as a blessing but many times it is)
The Gift of the Holy Ghost (and with this come thousands more)
Priesthood Power
Forever Families
Greater faith, hope and charity
And many more personalized blessings
As you can see there are more blessings than what I would know what to do with for a 10 minute talk and this is not even a complete list. The blessings that we receive are not just spiritual but many are also temporal. Writing this talk has given me a renewed desire to follow Jesus Christ more fully. Hopefully, we all can remember this Easter Sunday the blessings that the Lord has given us and express our gratitude through our words and our actions.