Spoiler alert for anyone planning on watching Salt. Do not continue reading unless you want to know everything about the movie that I deem important to know for my post.

OK so here we go with my personal analysis of the movie. Now the obligatory recap of the movie. Salt is a Russian spy undercover in the CIA who has been outed by another Russian spy. She is on a mission to kill the Russian president so that we can relive the Cold War. I love this idea. Anything that involves US and Russia relations worsening is great as long as the US wins but this movie did not quench my thirst for action or Cold War.
I have two major problems. First, the movie could easily be condensed (and simplified) to a 30-45 minute beginning and then we could have an hour of her killing Russian spies. I love it. As it stands, the movie is more of a 1.5 hour trailer for Salt II. Dislike. Second, the movie is not very actiony. When I go to see a movie that is advertised as the feminine Jason Bourne, I expect it to be a female that kicks butt like Bourne did. I did not expect it to be a pansyfication of the Bourne genre. I have now learned that when a movie is labeled as the feminine
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