Friday, July 23, 2010

My first post

As an attempt to entertain my audience with my wit and charm I have thought over and over about what this blog will be about. Basically, I have lots of thoughts in my head that I like to share and if you love them or hate them or don't care about them, this is the place where you can find them 24/7.
This might sound narcissistic (it probably is) but I know that everyone wants to know what I am thinking all the time about a wide variety of subjects. I will most likely talk about sports, politics, books, movies and things that I find funny but I will not limit myself to those topics. It really could be anything. I hope you all enjoy my posts as much as I do.

And now a picture of me.


  1. Every blog is narcissistic. Thats the best part! Have fun with it. And get a hair cut. :)


  2. I cut my hair in May. and John don't make me post you dancing in front of dillard's on facebook. I'll do it.
