Hating Columbus Day is not a big deal; most people do nowadays so I know that I am not alone but my reasons are most likely completely different than those of most people. A lot of people complain because Columbus was involved in the slave trade, he aided in the destruction of the American Indians, and perhaps, many other reasons. I complain because there is no mail today. I have been waiting for my collection of Seinfeld's complete series for nearly a month now and it is in Provo/Orem but because of Columbus, I won't see it until tomorrow. Yes. I am very upset. The Post Office takes so many days off; why can't we just let them deliver my package to me today? I think it would solve a lot of the world's problems if I had the complete series of Seinfeld today.
Is McDonald's really the most evil corporation that is trying to kill us all? I don't think so; they are just trying to make a buck like I am so I can't really blame them. I have been thinking a lot about McDonald's lately because I noticed that San Francisco is trying to ban Happy Meal toys and when I commented on it, a colleague said that it was incentivizing killing yourself (not an exact quote). I, obviously, completely disagree. While a toy will attract more young children to the restaurant, it offers another option to sitting and watching TV or playing video games. In reality, I think McDonald's is saving the children by offering Happy Meal toys. They might become more active because they are playing with their Strawberry Shortcake toy, lose weight, and not die. Thank you McDonald's. I am truly lovin' it.
I posted about this on Facebook earlier but I feel it is important enough to reiterate. It has been happening for a long time now but Republicans are always complaining because Obama is going to Martha's Vineyard or Michelle is going to Spain or he is just playing so much golf. When he doesn't go on vacation, we hear he is spending too much money, ugh, I hate ObamaCare and even more. It would appear that there is nothing the man could do right. I think that if he were to balance the budget, lower taxes, and shrink the government, they would still complain. I, personally, would rather have him play golf than spend a trillion dollars.
Mario Vargas Llosa is one of my favorite authors and he just recently won the Nobel Prize for Literature. David, mi amigo, mentioned an interesting theory today: he feels that they wanted to choose a non-European, right-of-center author for the winner to show that they are not Eurocentric or leftist, but by so doing, they only further cement this. I don't know if this is right but Vargas Llosa deserves the award. Now I only really have one complaint left and that is that they should give Carlos Fuentes the award. He is now, in my mind, the most deserving candidate.
I have no more thoughts. Until next time.